2015 has been a strange year for fruit growing. Our peach tree had zero peaches, our plum trees (all types) needed props under the branches to stop them from snapping under the weight of fruit, and our apples are now laden with delicious crunchy fruit.
But, to the title of this post. The most disappointing fruit has been my attempt to grow musk melons.
I have tried half heartedly in previous years and never got beyond a pathetic seedling.
This year, with the time to devote to caring for everything planted, so as not to find odd forgotten and shrivelled pots come Autumn, I went for it with refreshed enthusiasm.
I planted the seedlings in the polytunnel to ensure a good heat and light supply and, by June, I had triffids growing around the top of the tunnel.
Feeling rather smug with progress, I waited for the flowers and fruit to arrive. I fed and waited and waited…….and waited.
It is now mid-October and I have the first flower. I fear it may be a little late for any melons. Looking at the leaves I am also wondering if I even had melon seeds.
Looking on the bright side I have loads of green material for the compost heap.